Art Extravaganza!!!
Hey guys!!! This is a page where you can submit all of your creativeness. Here are some ideas to start you off: Drawings Poems Stories Fanfics Weird Dreams Imagination Scientific Debates!!! There will also be a competition each month to see who can be the most creative. It's called the Arts Extravaganza. Whoever wins will get a message telling them they've won, free membership to the page (if they want it), and a free picture drawn specially for them however they want it!!!

on March 02, 2014

on February 08, 2014

I need followers on Tumblr, so if you want to follow me, my username is killedbythesketchbook. If you want to tag me, just put #killedbythesketchbook or #Kill.
on February 08, 2014

Do any of you guys like Adventure Time? If you haven't already seen it then watch it!!!
on November 10, 2013

Hey!! Have any of you guys seen the songs in Songwriter's Playbook?? It's in Stories, so if you type it in you should be able to find it. Or just go on my page and go on stories!!!
on October 20, 2013

Hey guys!! So, the photos that are draw are drawn by me. They are based on stuff I see on the internet, stuff I imagine, and stuff I like. I hope these pictures have inspired you to draw more and show your drawings to more people!! Keep drawing people!!! Also, I'll be uploading stories and poems on here, so if you wanna read and comment on them, that would be great.
on September 30, 2013