orangeade's Questions - Page 4
orangeade asked 90 questions

My crush, a guy, looks at me everytime. Please help me. pls read description My crush, ...

what is the costliest thing in life according to you? what is it?

Did you watch xy&z episode goodbye serena? That momment where serena kissed...amorshipp...
Any Ideas for Comedy skits for middle school kids? Do you have any idea (with script) o...
why do everyone hate Iris(p0kemon) Many ppl feel that Iros is stupid and idiot and etc....

If you had a chance to end Pokemon xy & z series,how would you end it?

Should i go out from qfeast? You see...I have lots of homework given everyday and my pa...

Do you believe in creatures such as unicorn, griffins or mermaids? You see,in YouTube w...
What qualities are you looking for your dream guy/girl? What qualities do you want in y...
how was first day in Qfeast? Were you shy? what was ur experience on ur first day on Q...

who is ur fav anime charactar having blue eyes Any shade of blue!

Who is your favorite anime character with Dark blue hair? Your fav Anime character havi...

Who is your Fav anime character with black hair? Who is it?Ur fav character from anime ...

Who is your favorite anime character with brunette hair?

Who is your favorite anime character with blonde hair?