Don't attack me for posting on the drama just wanna say
No one should leave a site or get influenced due to other's opinion on us. No one can give us depression by having a freaking opinion on us. If so then the whole world should be depressed by now. Everyone has issues. fix it. Not leave and create a mess and be like I'm leaving or he's leaving cause of HeR becAuse She HAd A BaD oPiniOn on me
No one should leave a site or get influenced due to other's opinion on us. No one can give us depression by having a freaking opinion on us. If so then the whole world should be depressed by now. Everyone has issues. fix it. Not leave and create a mess and be like I'm leaving or he's leaving cause of HeR becAuse She HAd A BaD oPiniOn on me
on May 25, 2019

I was off for a long time. And if q bans it again and again my data will exhaust
on May 25, 2019

Fvuck this site getting me banned always. Not gonna be on here anymore . I'll be on quo. DM for email. Bye before I exhaust my data . don't wanna get redirected to that site anymore .XXX
Fvuck this site getting me banned always. Not gonna be on here anymore . I'll be on quo. DM for email. Bye before I exhaust my data . don't wanna get redirected to that site anymore .XXX
on May 25, 2019

振り向いちゃうような冒険をしていたい みたい
ドッキリ ビックリ さっばり やっばり止まらない
ほら あっちも こっちも どっちも そっちも たまらない See More
さあ まだ まだ まだ まだ まだ まだ 進もうぜ
そこだ決めろ ゲットだぜ
(そこだ決めろ ゲットだぜ)
サンサン もっと熱くなれ
ムンムン たぎる勇気が
さあ全身全霊で マックスハイテンション
振り向いちゃうような冒険をしていたい みたい
ドッキリ ビックリ さっばり やっばり止まらない
ほら あっちも こっちも どっちも そっちも たまらない See More
さあ まだ まだ まだ まだ まだ まだ 進もうぜ
そこだ決めろ ゲットだぜ
(そこだ決めろ ゲットだぜ)
サンサン もっと熱くなれ
ムンムン たぎる勇気が
さあ全身全霊で マックスハイテンション
on May 21, 2019

on May 21, 2019

Anyone wants to rp

Sorry for replying late
I was offline
Airi was out of the training. She's now a super hero as she wanted to be. Her quirk didn't suit the path she wanted to choose but she was too determined to change
I was offline
Airi was out of the training. She's now a super hero as she wanted to be. Her quirk didn't suit the path she wanted to choose but she was too determined to change
on May 22, 2019
on May 21, 2019

Smell of rain
on May 21, 2019

on May 21, 2019

I'm feeling tired and sleepy but at the same time wanna do something really fun. mood
on May 21, 2019

I haven't been on quo for like 5 months . I cannot even stay away from this site for 5 min . Wow
on May 21, 2019

I am a bit active on quo tev. If anyone has an account there tell me your user so I can follow you there! ••
on May 21, 2019