ネリー 灰
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Comments (17)



on September 12, 2020

on September 11, 2020

on September 11, 2020
on September 11, 2020
on September 11, 2020

God I hate people who are just like, "be happy it works for me," im just like duuude if only I could

feel u

I don't call myself a good friend but I try to be there whenever someone needs me
You sound like a good friend as well I must say :p
You sound like a good friend as well I must say :p
on September 11, 2020

on September 11, 2020

I try to smile and make them laugh whenever I can, with my bad jokes and brave face lol
on September 11, 2020

My uncle and mom suffer from it as well, along with myself I think (I've been diagnosed but not sure if they are being accurate cause it's gotten better)
on September 11, 2020

Like you can't just tell someone who has depression to just be happy, the best you can do is talk with them and listen they'll get a little better with time. Just give them their space and listen
on September 11, 2020
on September 11, 2020
on September 11, 2020