I think I have to leave qfeast sorry guys but I might leave post all ur goodbyes on my wall but remember I may not leave but I might so ur goodbyes can be like goodbye but maybe not or something
on May 06, 2016

hey, hey, hey! friends I haven't been on in a while and I'm sorry to say but I think I'm going to stop qfeasting it may be sad but it's probably gonna happen
on May 06, 2016

hi yaaaaaaa'll sory I was not on my mom took my computer for a week cus I did not pick up someone elses mess:(
on February 26, 2016

hiya everyone I like how many people wanna be my friends! and I think I chose the perfect pic cause everyone seems to like it
on February 26, 2016

everyone calls me annoying:((:((:(( ok no more baby business who ever called me annoying is going to die>:)
on February 15, 2016

hiiii I wanna ask anybody seriously anyone can respond r u a girl or boy I'm a girl
on February 27, 2016
on February 06, 2016

hi I'm mlpfan142 and I <3 mlp
on February 06, 2016

mlpfan142 asked a question

do you believe in God and what is ur religion? I do the cover image is this pic cause i...
on February 04, 2016