@HAWKS I cant pm my email isnt working....

hopefully sasuke is ok....
on February 05, 2020

with a good concience i won't be able to go on with my day if idk if sasuke is ok
on February 05, 2020

on February 05, 2020
on February 05, 2020

on February 05, 2020

on February 05, 2020

mizuki_moonchild added a photo to the starred list
Yesterday I went to Dave & Buster's and I got these!

on February 05, 2020

on February 05, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you? my result was pretty true...
on February 05, 2020

@ToriTheShark I cant private message because my email isnt working so it wont let me pm
on February 05, 2020

my sub was willing to do all of our math homework for us today XD (this was in english)
on February 04, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
on February 04, 2020