watch me guess what letter ur name starts with 100% accuracy hoe i swear i can totally do this. like n subscribe if i got your name right anonymous-user-0prab5 published on February 05, 2020 Stacked 1/10 Does your name start with the same letter as the month you were born? Yes No 2/10 What is the second letter of your first name? A B, J, K, N, Q, X C D E F, G H I, Y ("j" that makes "y" sound counted) L M O P R S T U V, Z W 3/10 Where would your name be in the dictionary? A-hyper Iambic-mystic nail-ryu safe-xylophone Yard-zygotes 4/10 Do you share a name with any popular animated characters? Yes No 5/10 Do you know any hurricanes that begin with the same letter as your name? Yes No 6/10 What were you named after? A person Place Thing Nothing particular 7/10 Do the initials of your first, middle, and last name together make up the name of a three letter body part? example: elizabeth yolanda eridan = "eye" and alex ryan miller = "arm"Not including slang except such as "vag" "tit" or "nip" Yes No Close but no 8/10 What month were you born in? Jan/Dec Feb/Nov Mar/Oct Apr/Sep May/Aug Jun/July 9/10 Is your name short or long? Short Long 10/10 Just to help me out, pick any group that has the letter your name starts with in it Abc Def Ghi Jkl Mnop Qrs Tuv Wx Yz