I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was ugh_just_ugh

on March 03, 2021
on March 03, 2021

So I'm at our kitchen table playing uno with my brother and my mom and I have all blue cards and I have lots of cards. So I draw this card that randomly selects a color and if you have any cards of that color you can play them all at once. So I draw that card and everyone knows that this is my only hope because if it picks blue, I win. So I whisper to the card "come on, please be blue I've never won ANYTHING in my life... And it's red. My mom and brother are just sitting there See More in the silence and then my mom... My mom of all people, says "why start now?" Let's just all have a moment of silent respect for my mom.
on June 16, 2016