hello i made a story about paridot becoming a crystal gem and updated it CHECK IT OUT :D!!
on July 24, 2015

milla1127 added a new chapter to Steven universe paridot becomes a crystal gem *updated*

paridot saves steven
steven and paridot went on a mission together. " so garnets wants us to get and injector?" seven asked, walking into the kindergarden. "for gem expirements, yes." paridot told him why. " paridot?" said steven. "yes?" asked paridot. " i cant belelive you usedto be evil!" he said hugging paridot.paridot actually hugged him back.
she looked around for the least wrecked injector. just then, a glorobinoid a huge one of paridots robots appeared. she somehow popped it."come on, steven." she s... Read Full Chapter
she looked around for the least wrecked injector. just then, a glorobinoid a huge one of paridots robots appeared. she somehow popped it."come on, steven." she s... Read Full Chapter
on July 24, 2015

guys plz reply to this: think about peridot becoming a crystal gem ALOT

heres what i think: : amethyest gives paridot a donut: " what is the name of this weirdly shaped object?" paridot asks "chill man its just a donut!" amethest laughs " and what do you do with these donuts?" to see paridot become a crystal gem im working on a story about it june 23 336 so note it may be finshed
on July 24, 2015
on July 24, 2015

Steven u give me stevenbomb4!

I know I want one but so far, there is no StevenBomb4.
But new episodes are returning!!!
I know I want one but so far, there is no StevenBomb4.
But new episodes are returning!!!
on July 25, 2015
on July 24, 2015

lol StevenU send an editors request :)
on July 24, 2015

i heard malchxite unfueses in a soon episode!

not sure but.. i can tell you this! new steven u is going to be all day throughout august 2 and 3rd eathier that or my recording is wrong :D
on July 24, 2015
on July 24, 2015

ok so i need this thinf to be popular upload your best steven photos!
on July 24, 2015

milla1127 added a poll to the starred list

Who would win in a fight? (Without weapons)
on July 16, 2015
I heard you called my friend a bitch.
Care to explain? :^)