on August 09, 2015

merissa14 asked a question
Favorite Love Song When someone comments the same favorite love song as me I will comme...
on April 27, 2014


Okay so I went 2 the basketball court Nicholas was playing in. Then he saw me and walked up 2 me and said "Can I see ur ball?" but his friend, Zachary, already had it and tried 2 make a shot and failed. Then Nicholas got the ball and tried 2 shoot it from like the side of the court which was really far away. He was like "I'm like the only person who can make See More this shot." looking at me while saying it. He was actually close! It hit the rim but didn't go in. So then Zach and Nick made a few more shots and I got my ball back. Then Zachary stole my ball and Nichilas was like "Zach! Give her ball back!" so Zachary gave it back 2 me and I gave the ball back 2 Nicholas and almost made it from that spot again.
on April 27, 2014
on April 27, 2014

Thanks for all my followers. I really appreciate it .
~Smiles and Kisses~
~Smiles and Kisses~
on April 26, 2014