I did not write the hacker thing. I am not cool with it. I am your friend and you are mine. I hope this stops soon

Yes. I don't do hate, and rarely swear. I swear.
on July 24, 2013

ok r u sure
on July 22, 2013
on July 17, 2013

on July 17, 2013

can you do me a favor?
on July 15, 2013

you're being silly. my friend's name is Taniah pronounce as yours but spell Taniah

I don't use those words I promise on my love for hello kitty(crazy in love) that it was some one in my house
on July 16, 2013
on July 15, 2013

Will u watch this from YouTube?
Yes my username is ally check. The
Only reason is because ally have me
Her password to her gmail account
So now we share YouTube account.
Yes my username is ally check. The
Only reason is because ally have me
Her password to her gmail account
So now we share YouTube account.

on July 13, 2013
on July 13, 2013

on July 12, 2013
on July 12, 2013

U just joined qfeast 18 days ago and you've reach 100 followers over!

O:-)yes I am going for my grandmas doctor appointment and my families doctors too my grandma lives in New York.
on July 06, 2013
on July 06, 2013

Hello? Ariana grande. I know it's not u
on June 27, 2013

Are you worthy to win qfeast universe?!?!
So the miss and mister qfeast universe
Will be announced tomorrow Tuesday
June 25, 2013. Right now, for miss qfeast
Universe is LilOsNo. For mister qfeast universe
Is WWEChampion20. So get your votes in today
At my question for miss and mister qfeast universe. See More
So I am sure that they will win but here are they list.
Miss Qfeast Universe-
1. LilOsNo
2. Beauty784
3. Infinite
Mister Qfeast Universe-
2. latter_lack
3. DGuy123
So the miss and mister qfeast universe
Will be announced tomorrow Tuesday
June 25, 2013. Right now, for miss qfeast
Universe is LilOsNo. For mister qfeast universe
Is WWEChampion20. So get your votes in today
At my question for miss and mister qfeast universe. See More
So I am sure that they will win but here are they list.
Miss Qfeast Universe-
1. LilOsNo
2. Beauty784
3. Infinite
Mister Qfeast Universe-
2. latter_lack
3. DGuy123

on June 27, 2013
on June 27, 2013