livelifegirl's Starred Polls
livelifegirl has 33 starred polls

What kind of School?

do you have brother or sister?

What dress would you wear to the Amity prom?

Which season is your favourite?

Favorite Music Genre?

Which Frozen song is the best?
Do you like MLP?

What's Your Favorite Pizza Place
top 10 songs of week december 20th 2014

Whose the cutest boy in Mindless Behavior

MLP: Best Fluttershy Dress

MLP: Best Pinkie Dress

MLP: Best Rainbow Dash Dress

MLP: Best Twilight Dress

MLP: Best Applejack Dress

MLP: Best Rarity Dress

What will u do if a boy proposes u?

Which Fluttershy is better

do you have a boyfriend??? or girlfriend???