on April 11, 2012

I am makin quizes a lot now i ketchin up wid da oder peeps o and tel me if my quiz is 1 of da popular quizes i b so excited if it was tru

You have awesome quizzes so I wouldn't be surprised if one day your quizzes did make it to the popular quiz list.For now keep your fingers crossed,hope you make it!:)
on April 25, 2012
on April 11, 2012

i gona use 1 of ur ideas the 1 bout the simple futur n stuff lik dat
on March 27, 2012

i hav had a realy bad day 2day omg i soo tired

Same.For some reason my reading buddy found it funny to throw pinecones at me!Unhappy right know!
on April 25, 2012
on March 27, 2012

wel u won caus u r da only 1 who actualy put thot into it and actualy cared soooooo wat do u want me 2 do? plz only on qfeast

srry ripley but i goin 2 kep takin lik dis if u lik it or not!yay i stand up for myself
on April 08, 2012

I do not care! YOu don't have to do anything just tell me if you use my ideas and you get a 4 or 5 star quiz
on March 27, 2012
on March 27, 2012

i did a speech dis friday n every1 loved it but my 4th grd teacher gave me da evil look n i dont no y so yea i creepy

on April 02, 2012

yeah. ur in 4th grade? so am i! 9 or 10? im 10. jus turned 10 on monday. every1 was clapping i was embarrassed....
on April 01, 2012
on March 26, 2012

hey i c hunger games yesterday awsom it sooooo cool omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg... aaaaaaawwwwww it oveeeeeeeeerrrrr

I want to see it so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on March 27, 2012
on March 26, 2012

i ok some peeps dont i wish i cod show u but it ok it hard 2 remember caus it wasnt a big part of it
on March 20, 2012

on March 20, 2012

i add uuuuuuuuu u lik hunger games
on March 16, 2012

i already red demm all tell me if u want to no anyding kk? kk!

on April 02, 2012

on April 01, 2012
on March 16, 2012

u new? kk i am 2 i could b lik ur first follerer! talk 2 me giiiirrrrlll!
on March 16, 2012

i hav 2 anounce 2 da whol scool how great my writing trip is plz feel srry for me i shy
on March 16, 2012

thumbs up and post if you think you will die befor the hunger games comes out.i no i wil!
on March 13, 2012

wel today wer borin i spent for hrs on a pop up project and now i tired i HATE daylight savings
on March 13, 2012

i won 1st place in a writing contest and i got to go to colombia for the reward. it was awesom so i got bak and watched breaking dawn. thumbs up for that maybe? i dont know but it was fun day so i happy!

on March 11, 2012
on March 11, 2012

i am going to do a contest question 1s every week and each 1 will b over by the tim i get the other question done o and dont blame me if i forget u can surviv a week or 2 either that or u can post on my wall 2 remind me kk and u get 2 choos ur prize at the end it has to b somthing on the compute and i am not buying anything
on March 09, 2012