i mad at tory!!!! she iz befrendeng a abusr, lyar, cheter and RUDE!
on May 12, 2020

on May 09, 2020

Cloe is so ugley she is worts kewfester she ugyly unlik torei she so niec and not rude lyer cafush liek cloey

on May 09, 2020

on May 09, 2020
on May 09, 2020

yore lockal pearisight i lov u look like sndich
on May 09, 2020

i lov u tory
on May 09, 2020

cleoy is Soo ulgy. i haet that ugy bich y dose she stil lye abot beaing cloe when she reely Kelsy???!!!!!!!! LYR
on May 06, 2020

wen cloe blocs u bc she faty and ugyl and sutpid
on April 30, 2020
on April 30, 2020

i dont like cloey she fake lyar like kokychi and all she dose is pretend to b name cloe cuz shez ashamed she hav no teth and big round gros
on April 30, 2020
on April 30, 2020
on April 30, 2020

i lov rururuka

on April 30, 2020

on April 30, 2020

theres some things she does that i dont really like but other than that shes a pretty decent character
on April 30, 2020
on April 30, 2020