kinkykuron added a new chapter to Rambles and Poems
Coming Out
am I gay
or just lonely?
this is a question I ask myself many
late nights
curled up under the covers
and sheets,
an empty space
beside me.
yes, I find many girls pretty.
that's not uncommon for anyone.
sometimes my heart skips a beat
when Her face is near mine
but is it out of nervousness
or attraction?
am I not used to having someone's
face that close?
I like boys
that much is true
and I've always considered the possibility
that I like girls as well.
but honestly
who... Read Full Chapter
or just lonely?
this is a question I ask myself many
late nights
curled up under the covers
and sheets,
an empty space
beside me.
yes, I find many girls pretty.
that's not uncommon for anyone.
sometimes my heart skips a beat
when Her face is near mine
but is it out of nervousness
or attraction?
am I not used to having someone's
face that close?
I like boys
that much is true
and I've always considered the possibility
that I like girls as well.
but honestly
who... Read Full Chapter
on January 05, 2019

kinkykuron asked a question

Do you have some Musical Recommendations? Need me some new musicals to listen to ~ I've...
on January 05, 2019

Me: *wonders why my wall is practically bare*
Also me: dumbass you haven't pOSTED ANYTHING EXCEPT YOUR STORIES
Also me: dumbass you haven't pOSTED ANYTHING EXCEPT YOUR STORIES
on January 05, 2019

on January 04, 2019