Only 9 more followers until 100! Please follow me and I will try to follow back :)
on July 26, 2013

Horse Games - Online Horse Games - Virtual Horse Game
Play horse games where you breed colored and show horses, ponies and magical unicorns.
on July 05, 2013

http://www.avirtualhorse.com Is an awesome horse site

Horse Games - Online Horse Games - Virtual Horse Game
Play horse games where you breed colored and show horses, ponies and magical unicorns.
on July 05, 2013

kikizoey4me asked a question

Will you join along ? (Read the picture) Just find a pen and join the movement. I did ...
on July 01, 2013

on June 28, 2013

kikizoey4me asked a question

Do you need help with your pet ?? Do you need training help or tips?? Well I'm here to ...
on June 24, 2013

kikizoey4me asked a question

Do you have a horse, or just LOVE horses? Then PLEASE join my Horse Knowledge page. I'l...
on June 21, 2013

Can you join my page
Can you please join my page Horse Knowledge and ask away . I REALLY want the word spread around about that page. Please help spread the word of this page.
Can you please join my page Horse Knowledge and ask away . I REALLY want the word spread around about that page. Please help spread the word of this page.
on June 05, 2013

TIP: If your horse starts acting up when you are using the bit to turn,jump,stop,ETC. Take a minute to check their teeth, they could have a sharp tooth that is causing them pain that your vet should take care of. If it doesn't seem to be a tooth and they only act up when you use the bit get a vet to check for possible problems. If the vet says that every thing looks good, and they keep acting up with contact to the bit try riding bit-less. If your horse can't ride bit-less try See More to get help from a Horse Trainer to help train them to ride bit-less. And if you :DHAVE TO RIDE WITH A BIT for show purposes, don't bother with the whip, just give up the showing if they act up. It won't be the end of the world, and your horse may thank you.

Yes,Mawhaha! ;) No,They are just curious,and they are checking you for treats! Its A built in automatic system :P
on February 01, 2014

When you are tacking up a horse, why would they keep sniffing you all the time? Are they trying to decide if you would taste good :P
on January 31, 2014
on June 01, 2013

Hi again :) You should check out my new page, Horse Knowledge :) also please help spread the word of my new page to your friends :) TTYL :D
on May 31, 2013