
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Dark Kitsune
Dark Kitsune
One of the rarest kitsune types, you can control and bend darkness. A special skill for you is the ability to wipe your existence from human memories without having to bite someone by controlling their memories, you are the only type of kitsune to be able to control this. You tend to have strong bonds with Light kitsune. You act aggressively towards all other kinds of kitsune, but Earth and Lightning tend to stick around you no matter how aggressive you get. You have the standard nine tails and you are a blackish color (when in fox form), but your 'Fox Fire' is some of the strongest except during the daytime. You have the common kitsune trait that is when you see a dog or wolf you will run the opposite direction.
on October 22, 2016
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
curious kitsune
curious kitsune
You get into everyones business, sticking you nose 100% of the time were it doesnt belong. You have to know about things, if there is a problem somewhere you have to know about it. You have a certain human that you seem to follow around, he always seems to get into places and sneak around, just like you do.
on October 22, 2016
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on October 22, 2016
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