ilovegymnastics Look what personality I've got! What about you? are you a tomboy or a girly girl? (2) tomboy congratulations you are a tomboy. you don't care to much what you look like you don't care if you are popular or not you just like you for who you are. you would do things messy and you do not care about amazing makeup in the morning!! 0 0 comment Subscribe on January 22, 2016 About Author Report ilovegymnastics Look what personality I've got! What about you? how old are you[6-20] 13-16 you are enjoying parties and have a lifetime why not enjoy it 0 0 comment Subscribe on January 22, 2016 About Author Report ilovegymnastics Look what personality I've got! What about you? Are you good at gymnastics? You are pretty good You are pretty good at gymnastics.Keep practicing. 0 0 comment Subscribe on January 22, 2016 About Author Report ilovegymnastics Look what personality I've got! What about you? How old do you act? (girls only) Pre-teen (10-12) You act mature but you still have some little kid in you. 0 0 comment Subscribe on January 22, 2016 About Author Report ilovegymnastics created a personality quiz gymnast or cheerleader on January 22, 2016 About Author ilovegymnastics uploaded a photo 0 on January 22, 2016 About Author