identikit uploaded a photo
portrait of a diseased orphan living in the streets of amsterdam circa 1888

on July 11, 2022

public petty rant that will probably b deleted but i’m actually pissed ? basically i’m in this gc with the single most annoying person ever but i don’t want to leave bc i know as soon as i do she’s gonna start talking shit ab me in it, im pretty sure she already talks shit ab me because everyone in the gc has been acting really weird and mostly just ignoring me all the time and they like praise her. anyways we actually met through another gc that was originally like a classic See More rock fanclub and she joined bc she likes david bowie and at first she was fine but then she started being super shitty self centered. like when anyone was talking she would come in and change the topic of the whole conversation to be about herself. even if people were venting about serious things she’d j completely ignore it and talk ab herself. she was always fuckking narcissistic but everyone else seemed to like her so i didn’t wanna say anything. she was also like… really weird to ME??? she always called me mommy and would make sexual comments like i’m not a literal legal adult who does not want to catch a case. she was also always really weird ab me and my love interest once i found out he liked me??? once she got mad at me for calling him dolly in a song bc “it’s only her nickname” i j kinda put up with it but then she started romanticizing literal fuckking pedophillia (she is 15 and OBSESSED with the idea of having an older boyfriend and there was even an ACTUAL ADULT MAN she would talk about wanting to have sex with and call him daddy and at one point she was telling us ab how she wanted him to use her as a sex doll it was so disgusting)

and we eventually had to kick her out of the gc bc it made us so uncomfortable but then she joined ANOTHER gc that im in and i’d doing the same shit in here KNOWING it makes me uncomfortable. and all she fuckking talks about is wanting a boyfriend and she gets so pissy when i bring up ANYTHING ab catboy. also i’ve sent pictures of him to that chat and she has See More said some… things about him that i was not exactly comfortable with because it is not her place to talk ab how hot MY person’s hands are.
on July 10, 2022
on July 10, 2022

when i whip out my dick and people tell me to put it back
on July 10, 2022

on July 10, 2022

i don’t kin but i will make one w my interests and characters i like i think
on July 10, 2022

on July 10, 2022

i love the classic qfeaster reunion that’s been happening

And the funniest part is no one plans it or anything, it just sorta happens randomly every year or so and we all intuitively know lol
on July 10, 2022
on July 10, 2022

on July 10, 2022

if you asked little 11 year old me what i thought i’d be doing in seven years idk what i would’ve said but it definitely wouldn’t have been “sitting in my bedroom studying a foreign language while listening to some random british indie band”
on July 10, 2022

came online to look up something for my lang notes, ended up here
on July 10, 2022

peeker boy !
on July 09, 2022

thinkin ab the time i had sleep paralysis and saw a tall skinny black thing and heard like a humming sound
on July 09, 2022

peeker boy was one of the absolute funniest things that’s ever happened on this website i think
on July 09, 2022

on July 09, 2022

fave nicknames i have !!!!
-brew: da klassik one
-dave: idek where this started some of my friends call me dave
-**** boo. my real name with boo after it my best online friend calls me that
-julius caesar: will not be explaining, because it is gross.
-brew: da klassik one
-dave: idek where this started some of my friends call me dave
-**** boo. my real name with boo after it my best online friend calls me that
-julius caesar: will not be explaining, because it is gross.
on July 09, 2022