please stop sending me death threats it’s not cool

on January 21, 2023
on January 21, 2023

lupdates because i am finally doing better and i know how some of you hate to see it, and frankly i do not care because i know who i am and i have people who appreciate me for that, and i’m so sorry you miserable fuckks feel the need to constantly harass me over things i said during a literal psychotic episode. working on a new project w/ a multitude of people. got a new place, it’s tiny but wonderful. found out i have bpd n my therapist said i have schizotypal tendencies. livin See More it up. nothing feels real and i can’t feel anything anymore and god. cheers to being a cuntt i guess, and i’m going to put my account up for deletion and hope none of you actual pieces of human scum never contact me again. get fuckked or whatever. balls deep.
on January 13, 2023

bitches on qfeast dot com when your suicide attempt fails and instead of immediately apologizing to them for apparently pretending to be suicidal you remove yourself from social media: ???

like so sorry i didn’t swallow enough pills to take me out ig??? and so sorry i made the decision to get away from something that was negatively impacting my mental health. also had i been trying to fake my death i would not have been keeping contact with people i care about, including people who r literally active on this site. i’m that stupid and i’m almost See More offended about the fact that a few of you who have the mental capacity of high school freshmen think i am. fuckk all of you. imagine accusing someone who’s had a history of suicidal ideations since 6th grade that they’re “faking it for attention.” this is why people follow through w it.
and guess i also put forth my time, effort and money to buy a ticket, sit for 8 hours on a bus, see a psychiatrist and get diagnosed w a personality disorder for attention too.
and guess i also put forth my time, effort and money to buy a ticket, sit for 8 hours on a bus, see a psychiatrist and get diagnosed w a personality disorder for attention too.
on January 11, 2023
on January 11, 2023

on December 11, 2022

on December 11, 2022

lowkey j accepted that im severely mentally ill and probably will commit suicide before i turn 20
on December 08, 2022

hi guys i am currently missing in action

like im not even joking i left a suicide note and left my apartment. i am missing and presumed dead
on December 08, 2022
on December 08, 2022

guys today i sang a song about drinking and being horny at a gospel choir concert also my phone went off during the rehearsal which isn’t bad by my ringtone is eat men eat by black midi so it was j like “thine is the kiiiingdom the power the gloooory forever and everrrrr YOU FUCKKING FAGGOTS AINT SEEN THE LAST OF ME YET”
on December 06, 2022

on November 27, 2022

unfortunately i can’t j show black midi to ppl like i can w bands like sugargliders and field mice. when i show my friends their stuff it’s usually a “brew wtf” followed by “can i show u a song next”

same w doe maar i have one friend (who i actually can see irl) who’s into that kind of stuff her name is fern and she offered to get me ecstasy once and i’m still thinking ab taking her up on it
on November 25, 2022
on November 25, 2022

need more friends who r super into black midi
on November 25, 2022