i_dont_know's Questions
i_dont_know asked 18 questions
What are you doing this summer? I went to vietnam
Do you sleep with socks on or off? if you do you are a menace ngl

What is your favorite fast food item?
What did you do for spring break? i did absolutely nothing
Quiz suggestions i wanna make a quiz but i don’t know what to do

Favorite cereal
What is your favorite compliment? to give or receive
Favorite soda what is it
How is 2021 so far? for me it’s ok

Favorite pringles flavor? If yours is original tell me why
Tricky riddle 2 A man dies of thirst in his home. His home has plenty of water and he d...
tricky riddle Three men enter a room. A minute later, two of the men walk out. The thir...

Favorite pizza place