just a friendly reminder that if you dont know a persons gender/pronouns don't be afraid to ask!!! they won't mind!!!? just don't be an asshle and misgender them!!!
on December 02, 2015

I'm so inactive forgive me

I frogive you
on December 02, 2015
on December 02, 2015

F*ck me up the anus with a stick i have a migrane and my parents found my instagram

@DirkyShipper nah they only saw I had a folder full of selfies from Instagram lmao I think ur good
on November 07, 2015

@DirkyShipper this morning my dad called me to ask why I was staying home and like 5 mins later he came home and he took up my phone and looked through it in front of me and he saw that I had a folder in my gallery that said Instagram so whoop dee doo
on November 07, 2015
on November 07, 2015

on October 19, 2015

I'm having a nervous breakdown I literally cannot do this anymore
My parents are dictating my life and I fcking hate it just uuuugh I crying life just sucks this dude who always tries to one-up me did better than me in an audition and I want to punch a wall?? :) somebody please kill me :)))))
My parents are dictating my life and I fcking hate it just uuuugh I crying life just sucks this dude who always tries to one-up me did better than me in an audition and I want to punch a wall?? :) somebody please kill me :)))))
on October 19, 2015

there was a fight at my school today it was hillarious
idk all I heard was some girls weave got ripped out and someone got a bloody nose
idk all I heard was some girls weave got ripped out and someone got a bloody nose
on October 17, 2015

ewww this person I really don't like at my school got my kik and messaged me and idk what to do bc I don't wanna seem rude by ignoring her :/
on October 16, 2015

Here is a conversation between my little brother and I this morning
Me: -taking off my binder- that's it I give up
Bro: with what?
Bro: why?
Me: it's hot and the straps are cutting into my skin and it smells bad
Bro: ... What kind of binder are you talking about? See More
Me: -comes out of the room and shows him my binder-
Bro: oh
Me: yeah
Bro: that doesn't look like a binder
Me: this isn't like a school binder its like a compressor type binder you put it over your boobs to make yourself look like a guy
Bro: so it's like a boob shrinker?
Me: exactly
Bro: cool
Me: -taking off my binder- that's it I give up
Bro: with what?
Bro: why?
Me: it's hot and the straps are cutting into my skin and it smells bad
Bro: ... What kind of binder are you talking about? See More
Me: -comes out of the room and shows him my binder-
Bro: oh
Me: yeah
Bro: that doesn't look like a binder
Me: this isn't like a school binder its like a compressor type binder you put it over your boobs to make yourself look like a guy
Bro: so it's like a boob shrinker?
Me: exactly
Bro: cool

@DirkyShipper it's just the foot one tho the other one is a little turd but my older bro is sorta neutrAl I guess
on October 13, 2015
on October 13, 2015

Aaaaaaaa I can't draw mouths to save my life I hate first over art
on October 11, 2015

So I came out to my little brother a couple days ago as a demiboy and the first thing he said to me was "Does this mean I can call you bro now?" and I want to cry my little brother is a shitposter but he's one of the only people in my family that's not trans/homphobic and aaaaaa
on October 10, 2015

Wow I haven't been on in forever what's up guys
on October 01, 2015

I have literally not been on this site for more than 20 minutes and I already have like seven followers??? Okay??? Thank you so much!!

@PrincessToast I think it's because I haven't been on for a couple of days. I can't put anything on other people's walls either, I don't think.
on July 24, 2015
on July 24, 2015