on November 16, 2019

i'm weird:-B

on November 16, 2019
on November 16, 2019

what did i miss i have 676:(( news FEEDX-(
on November 16, 2019

on November 15, 2019

my friend @Dabi_Todoroki is an awson he was my first friend on this website he deserves more friends
on November 15, 2019

on November 14, 2019

why is every body so active i got 137 news feed there is no way i'm reading them today maybe when i have more time
on November 14, 2019

so this is todaly randem but today during math i was drawing a community on a grid with my innocent mind then my friend lets just give her a fake name lets call her milly okay so milly is dirty mided right and i wasn't at that point fist i drawed the naberhood then i drawed it upside down witch i throught looked nomal well milly throught they looked like a sirten rude part and then every thinged i drawed looked funny to her that a dirty minded person would think and milly here See More is the most birty mided person i have ever met and somehow she made me dirty mided
this is the longest post i have ever made for ranting on for no reason
this is the longest post i have ever made for ranting on for no reason
on November 14, 2019

on November 14, 2019

on November 14, 2019

sorry i haven't been very activity on this account i'll try better to do more things:((
on November 14, 2019