Name a character from a movie, tv show, book or video game for each letter of your name (I got the idea from newsfeed and name what its from for each letter of your name.)
K- Kenny (south park)
A- Anastasia (Anastasia)
L- Light (Death note)
E- ET (ET)
Y- Yuri (Angelbeats)
K- Kenny (south park)
A- Anastasia (Anastasia)
L- Light (Death note)
E- ET (ET)
Y- Yuri (Angelbeats)
Omg KENNY!!!
on February 09, 2015
on February 09, 2015


Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People
Music video by Marilyn Manson performing The Beautiful People. (C) 1999 Nothing/Interscope Records
on February 09, 2015

This song is awesome!
This song is awesome!

BlutEngel - Reich Mir Die Hand HQ
Reich Mir Die Hand by Blutengel, from Tränenherz album (2011)
on February 09, 2015

Whats the worst you can take
From every heart you break
And like the blade you stain
Well, I've been holding on tonight
Whats worse that I can say
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight See More
So long and goodnight
Guess the song and band
From every heart you break
And like the blade you stain
Well, I've been holding on tonight
Whats worse that I can say
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight See More
So long and goodnight
Guess the song and band
on February 09, 2015

My favorite song by MCR
My favorite song by MCR

My Chemical Romance - Helena Official
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on February 09, 2015

This is my favorite song, but I dont think anyone would like it...
This is my favorite song, but I dont think anyone would like it...

Clan of Xymox - Jasmine and Rose
Clan of Xymox - Jasmine and Rose available on the albums "Creatures" and "Best of" © 1999 Clan of Xymox
on February 09, 2015

XD im half Japanese, half Russian, half Irish, half German, half Polish, and half Swedish(i forgot about that, why am I so forgetful?)

on February 09, 2015
on February 09, 2015

What's your favourite All Time Low song? ?
on February 09, 2015

on February 08, 2015

Optimistic See More
(Started by @RedRibbonedGirl)
Optimistic See More
(Started by @RedRibbonedGirl)
on February 08, 2015

gothicskittlescupcake added a story to the favorite list

BEN Drowned x Reader (1)
on February 08, 2015


Not of people,but clones have been created, there have been cloned dogs sheep and such, look up Dolly the sheep
on February 08, 2015
on February 08, 2015

-_- today there was a knock on my door, and when I answered the door, some emo boy with red hair kissed my lips and ran away

Well dontnslap him around, just grab him so he can't get away and tell him your situation and that he needs to stop
on February 08, 2015

on February 08, 2015

Why grab him before he runs off?
I want him to stop...it's kind of creepy
I want him to stop...it's kind of creepy
on February 08, 2015
on February 08, 2015

gothicskittlescupcake added a story to the favorite list
Snoop and Wolfie: The Erratic Adventure
on February 08, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which Hair Color Fits Your Personality?
on February 08, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! &[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]
on February 08, 2015