girly43's Polls
girly43 published 24 polls

Who's your favorite Gamers' Guide to Pretty Much Everything character?
What do you think of One Direction's new song Perfect?
Should I change my username? (8)
Asian guys: Yay or Nah? (girls only)
How long have you been on QFeast for?
Stories: Fantasy or Realistic? (explain in comments)

Which story would you most like to read if you saw them side by side?
FanFictions: Smut or Fluff
What x Reader should I do?
Should I try my hand at an x Reader?

What do you think of Thorinduil (ThorinxThranduil)? From the Hobbit?
Hunger Games or the Hobbit?

Is Lionel Messi your bae?
R5: Slow songs or Fast songs?
What the best out of these?
What do you think of R5?

Will you read Chapter One of The adventurous absurdities of Dave and the Other Bozos wh...

My Stories: Do you like them?

BOREDOM! Are you bored?