on September 03, 2019

now everybody’s sending the bear video who do I kick out of the gc
on September 03, 2019

why can’t shoequeer take anything seriously.
i tell them that my boyfriend might have epilepsy and riley starts sending that video with the bears dancing
i tell them that my boyfriend might have epilepsy and riley starts sending that video with the bears dancing
on September 03, 2019

on September 03, 2019

on September 03, 2019

who wants to eat bartholomews foreskin
on September 03, 2019

on September 03, 2019

who wants to come to bartholomew’s circumcision party
on September 03, 2019

nia is pregant is funny but it’s also a coping mechanism because my boyfriend is very sick and they don’t know how to help him or what he has or if he’s okay
on September 03, 2019

let’s see how long before the crusties get mad about pregant too
on September 03, 2019

on September 03, 2019

y’all better show nia some love istg

on September 03, 2019
on September 03, 2019

on September 03, 2019

me: is having a good week
stress, my dad, and my boyfriend’s health problems: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/174/veggie.jpg
stress, my dad, and my boyfriend’s health problems: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/174/veggie.jpg
on September 03, 2019

hi i literally haven’t been awake for five minutes and im being yelled at, i cant do this today

I wish I could hug you and tell you it’ll be okay. Ily, you can get through this ???
on September 03, 2019

on September 03, 2019
on September 03, 2019

nobody wants to talk about “”the thing”” that happened to him but i honestly think it could’ve been a seizure??
the doctors are testing him like crazy, his sister said that “he had a thing happen” last night, and they aren’t letting him leave until they figure it out.
he’s also had several severe concussions and tbis can cause seizures
epilepsy also runs in his family, his older sister has it.
nobody wants to talk about “”the thing”” that happened to him but i honestly think it could’ve been a seizure??
the doctors are testing him like crazy, his sister said that “he had a thing happen” last night, and they aren’t letting him leave until they figure it out.
he’s also had several severe concussions and tbis can cause seizures
epilepsy also runs in his family, his older sister has it.
on September 03, 2019