I'm a short little rat and everyone steps all over me pretending that I don't have a voice.I yell when I get mad and no I am not being rude I'm being a damn human, if I kick you I'm not being a bitch I'm mad and I want you to know. I hate when people insult me or my friends and yeah I'm smaller than you but I will not hesitate to throw hands. (as suggested by @Fuk_Everything)

thank you :)
on March 24, 2021

on March 24, 2021
on March 24, 2021

dude I haven't been on this since last year and I made an absolute fool of myself. I was looking at old things I posted and was like HOW DID I HAVE FRIENDS!?
on March 22, 2021

In rehearsal today during break my friends and I had a cult ritual and a cheez-it sword fight
on January 31, 2020

I have rehearsal tomorrow... :) :(

my rehearsal today was kinda sad because I'm kinda shorter than a lot of the people so when we do one of our dances I have to be in the front
on January 24, 2020
on January 23, 2020

My best friend drew a picture for me of our favorite show!!!!!!!!! I love it so much
on January 22, 2020

In science one of my friends asked me what was so special about the girls bathroom (he is kinda stoooopid in dat brain of his) and I said there was tampons so he screamed "I LOVE TAMPONS!" I was just thinking what a wierdo he is and yeah...
on January 21, 2020

on January 19, 2020

Is anybody here Bisexual
on January 14, 2020

on January 07, 2020

I smelled a book today and my teacher called e a turd (we tease eachother i also won a bet with her and she gave me 10 dollars)
on December 06, 2019

on November 10, 2019

fish_722 asked a question
do you ever look in the mirror and judge yourself until someone asks what your doing an...
on November 04, 2019