If you do not believe in something, there is no need to talk about it or lie about it or spread rumours about it. If more people on Qfeast listened to this, it would be a happier place.
- Reposted -
- Reposted -
on March 09, 2015

evvvie_s added a poll to the starred list
Should every teenager have an allowance?
on March 09, 2015

Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze. I'm getting weird from my crisp withdrawal....
on March 08, 2015

All hail the blobfish queen. *bows*

on March 07, 2015
on March 07, 2015

Dear certain Qfeasters,
Putting f*cking in front of every f*cking word can get really f*cking annoying. Stop f*cking doing it. I'm really f*cking serious.
Geeky xx
Putting f*cking in front of every f*cking word can get really f*cking annoying. Stop f*cking doing it. I'm really f*cking serious.
Geeky xx
on March 07, 2015

Anakin Two Legged Cat Running and Climbing Cat Tower
In this video I'm answering a few of the questions most asked about Anakin. Can Anakin Run? Why doesn't he have Wheels? Does Anakin Climb well? How does he g...
on March 07, 2015

Anakin Our Kitten without Back Legs, Two Legged Cat
Meet Anakin! Ani is a two legged cat, born without a pelvis or back legs but that doesn't stop him. He is full of love & life! My family and I rescued Anakin...
on March 07, 2015

The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you See More die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...
~ Reposted ~
~ Reposted ~
on March 07, 2015

I just need to rant about something. Yes, Warriors-related.
The names I have seen during my RP's on the WCF. Clarityskies. Loftwool. And others.
Loftwool. You heard me right. Might as well call a cat Bedroomcotton.
Clarityskies. What's wrong with Whitesky?
Fatgurl. No comment.
Pinkdancer. Wow, so original and cool. For a male cat.
Dragonbreath. What's a dragon? See More
Lifeheart. Seriously? Life. Heart.
Blindface. What a lovely mother.
The names I have seen during my RP's on the WCF. Clarityskies. Loftwool. And others.
Loftwool. You heard me right. Might as well call a cat Bedroomcotton.
Clarityskies. What's wrong with Whitesky?
Fatgurl. No comment.
Pinkdancer. Wow, so original and cool. For a male cat.
Dragonbreath. What's a dragon? See More
Lifeheart. Seriously? Life. Heart.
Blindface. What a lovely mother.
on March 07, 2015

I want to tell someone what happened yesterday... But you'll just laugh...
on March 07, 2015

I've read Girl Online multiple times. Not for Penny, not for Noah. For Elliot.
He taught me to be proud of my sexuality.
To be proud of my appearance.
To be proud of my family.
To be proud of my friends.
To be proud of my life.
But most of all... See More
To be proud of myself.
He taught me to be proud of my sexuality.
To be proud of my appearance.
To be proud of my family.
To be proud of my friends.
To be proud of my life.
But most of all... See More
To be proud of myself.
on March 07, 2015

Written on a table today I saw the following words:
"Nevill and Lunar fo lyfe"
Some people at my school are actually educated! (We'll ignore the spelling... For now.)
"Nevill and Lunar fo lyfe"
Some people at my school are actually educated! (We'll ignore the spelling... For now.)
on March 06, 2015

I hate school.
Nothing to say, nothing to do.
No one's online to talk to or RP with.
You can't sing in class.
And you can't work on fan fiction.
Repost if you agree.
~ Started by @Kanya888 ~ See More
Nothing to say, nothing to do.
No one's online to talk to or RP with.
You can't sing in class.
And you can't work on fan fiction.
Repost if you agree.
~ Started by @Kanya888 ~ See More
on March 05, 2015

RIP Becky Watts, a 16-year-old British girl. Abducted and murdered 19th February 2015.
Repost if you are against child abduction.
~ Started by @GeekyGlasses
Repost if you are against child abduction.
~ Started by @GeekyGlasses
on March 05, 2015

Guys! Guys! Guys! I want you to...
on March 04, 2015