a hikey isn't a bad thing i think about it as the mark of a lover @DEATH_CP @Lullaby_lucy @king_of_derps

@fuqin.freak i'm glad sumone agrees
on December 29, 2018

ooh, preach
on December 29, 2018

idk i was rping thought about how most ppl think hickeys r bad @King_of_Derps
on December 29, 2018

on December 29, 2018
on December 29, 2018

i feel left out bc i can't confirm my email su i can't be in the chat room sorry
on December 29, 2018

is water wet?
on December 29, 2018

why r u people so offensive i come home from school to get on qfeast and talk to the great people on here don't ruin this site please i thought of this site fun just something to escape the real world and my problems.... @Qfeast used to be really fun now it's all worrying and maddening please don't ruin the damn site

@radical.radish @reploid_goku @fuck_yourself_with_a_cacrus @DEATH_CP
@radical.radish @reploid_goku @fuck_yourself_with_a_cacrus @DEATH_CP
on December 29, 2018
on December 29, 2018

there r 3 types of people mean people shy people and racist/shouldn't exist guess which one he is

THat is an exception @DEATH_CP this is a rant but between shy and shouldn't exsist
on December 29, 2018
on December 29, 2018

tere r 3 types of people mean people sy people and racist/shouldn't exist guess which one he is
on December 29, 2018

so this youtuber was making slime and she said i have activator and the dude said i have pink balls @lullaby_lucy @Fuck_yourself_with_a_cactus
on December 28, 2018

why r u people so offensive i come home from school to get on qfeast and talk to the great people on here don't ruin this site please
on December 28, 2018

jeff:pushes toby*
Jeff:You question the words of THE BIBLE!?
Jeff:You question the words of THE BIBLE!?
on December 28, 2018

i tired of trying
sick of crying
yas i'm smiling
but inside i'm dying
sick of crying
yas i'm smiling
but inside i'm dying
on December 28, 2018

just rping by myself i'm fine @Fuck_yourself_with_a_cactus @DEATH_CP @lullaby_lucy
on December 28, 2018

Jeff:stop eating cake if u think ur fat!
alika:i never thought that u said it
jeff:or it was all in ur mind
alika:mind blown* BISH
Jeff:stop eating cake if u think ur fat!
alika:i never thought that u said it
jeff:or it was all in ur mind
alika:mind blown* BISH
on December 28, 2018

u know what i like rps where u respond and people tell me to wait a minute then the next day i finally get a response when i was about to give up
on December 28, 2018

Jeff:i'm just saying u should lose ten pounds
Alika:OH SO I'M FAT!?
Jeff:nu ur thicc?
Alika:*shoves cake in face crying*
@Lullaby_lucy @Fuck_yourself_with_a_cactus @DEATH_CP
Jeff:i'm just saying u should lose ten pounds
Alika:OH SO I'M FAT!?
Jeff:nu ur thicc?
Alika:*shoves cake in face crying*
@Lullaby_lucy @Fuck_yourself_with_a_cactus @DEATH_CP

on December 28, 2018
on December 28, 2018