About ehmylovejeff

  • Hai it's Aly here! There are a lot of things you should know about me.
    I am a cat hybrid and don't have an owner. Basically I'm a stray! MEOW
    I took a test on how jealous I am, and I'm usually a hundred percent jealous when it comes to things so like try and be careful. I won't hate on you or anything, I'll try to keep my jealousy in. Just like if I get jealous of you be super careful, because someday I might burst. And also I'm not particularly jealous right now this is a head's up for the future.
    I get super sad super easy, so be really careful. Also I don't like getting mad at people, but sometimes it happens. So please try not to get me mad. Thank you.
    I laugh to much, it's a struggle.
    My girlfriend in real life and on qfeast is @Shara_The_HedgeHog55 ! SHE BE THE BAE SO YOU HURT HER AND I HURT YOU ( love her <3 )
    I am a brony, I love creepypasta, and I love fnaf!
    JEFF iS ELISE'S BAE SO YOU CANT HAVE HIM ! k sorry just saying
    I am bisexual but I like girls more.
    I need a life.
    I am taken. <3
    I'm a 13 year old girl who really acts like she's 16, but can sometimes act like a child.
    I love people so if you want to talk to me just pm me or something k ;)
    Always follow back :)
  • Gender Female
  • Joined Qfeast on June 26, 2015