dark_rose's Questions - Page 3
dark_rose asked 73 questions

Your 100 character Fill out there form bellow
On a scale of 1-10 how much are you in Harry Potter fandom 1 lowest 10 highest

What tv show(s) are you watching right now?
What's your opinion on what the Florida students are doing? The marches, the walkout, n...
What's going on with my chicken So she is a Brutty hen I don't know if that matters. So...
Gilmore girls based story's who's in? I'm writing a story based of Gilmore girls tell m...

What would a tv show of your life be called? Who would play you, what would it be calle...
What's the hardest part of a human to draw
If you could would you live forever Why

You have one wish make a wish...

Would you kill in order to stop your friend from dying and why? You would kill people
If you could go back and change one thing what would it be

Describe your fandom in one word

Describe Selena Gomez in one word
Describe your parents in one word

Who is your actor/singer chrush? Or band just no one fictional
Describe life in one word

Describe your friends in one word

What do you think of Taylor swifts new style?