dark_rose's Questions - Page 2
dark_rose asked 73 questions

What size shoe do you wear?

Do you have deviantart?

What language do you know or want to know?

What are some things that make you annoyed?
Did you hear about the Facebook hacking thing?
I will try to draw a few Qfeasters only a few tell me what you look like and you gender...

What are some good animes on Netflix? Something with drama and romance nothing for litt...
What's the funniest YouTube video
How old were you when you had your period?

Have you ever been asked out?

What's your favorite Harry Potter spell? Avada kedavra... *body hits the ground* *evil...

What's your Harry Potter patronous? I probably spelled it wrong but I don't care

What are some moments where you wished people kissed? Watching a movie. Just kiss alrea...

What's your best Minecraft build?
Who do you ship? (1) Couples you ship from movies, books, YouTube even people who are n...
What stuff will there be in the future?

Are you excited for the new Jurassic world? Because I am

Who's your favorite Harry Potter character

Team Edward or team Jacob Even for you twilight haters