Hey guys I've been off qfeast for about a month but I'm back now any ideas on quizzes, polls, etc. Thanks!
on August 19, 2014

cutiepie32102 asked a question
What does it mean when you blackout? Okay so I was feeling dizzy this morning and then ...
on May 30, 2014

cutiepie32102 asked a question
Does NJHS send a rejection letter So I'm in the 6 grade and all my friends got there le...
on May 22, 2014

cutiepie32102 asked a question
Boys!Help me out Boys! Okay so there is this boy let's call him T. So T told me at lunc...
on May 16, 2014

cutiepie32102 asked a question
What songs do you think I would like Hey guys so I'm 12 and I love all forms of music f...
on May 13, 2014

cutiepie32102 asked a question
I'm I to young to babysit I'm 12years old I'm taking a babysitting course at the red cr...
on March 04, 2014