on September 29, 2013

cryptidzoology asked a question
Do you play roblox? If you do my name is zuis14 i play it not that often but if you hav...
on August 20, 2013

cryptidzoology asked a question
what do you think about the upcoming movie the good dinosaur? Disney*plot*what if the m...
on August 15, 2013

Gravity falls sad news
Well *sniff*gravity falls the awsome show isnt starting till next summer D: what am i going to watch D:
Well *sniff*gravity falls the awsome show isnt starting till next summer D: what am i going to watch D:

well that's to bad... it was a pretty good series.. I would suggest "The walking dead" series
on August 13, 2013
on August 13, 2013

cryptidzoology asked a question
Bigfoot sighting So when i was 8 me and my cousin and my dad and his dad were driving a...
on July 24, 2013

cryptidzoology asked a question
A question ive had since i was a kid i had a stupid idea once after watching an episode...
on July 22, 2013

cryptidzoology added a new chapter to Mothman
3 years later...
*Thomas and Beckka are on a feild trip*So remember after school when i told about my great grandfather?said Thomas.Yah...said Beckka.well i didn't tell you but that night the mothman flew up to the window and flew away.said Thomas.Weird..said Beckka.That was three years ago were 14 now.said Beckka.Yah i know :/ said Thomas.*Nighttime*I thought we would be there by now..said Thomas.well it is a three day trip 1 day to get there 1 day to be there and the other to leave.said Beckka.*few minutes ...
Read Full Chapter
on July 22, 2013

hey i created part 2 :D
on July 21, 2013

cryptidzoology asked a question
Any advice about something? well i like a 2 girls they are both really nice ill label t...
on July 21, 2013

cryptidzoology added a new chapter to Mothman

---saw some sort of bird but it was to big to be a bird it looked down at him with its glowing red eyes then flew away, the bridge started swaying then he heard a big cracking sound..Cars started flying everywhere and people where screaming his car went down into the water he broke the window and swam up...the bridge was gone.he was the only survivor.*wow! :O said Beckka.Weird..said Thomas.Total conspiracy mode! :D. said Bekka.*Thomas and Bekka tell the story to the class the next day**later ...
Read Full Chapter
on July 21, 2013

cryptidzoology asked a question
Do you beleive cryptids? Do you beleive cryptids? post the ones you beleive! :D
on July 21, 2013

cryptidzoology asked a question
Vampire spell did it work im paranoid.. Well i did a vampire spell offline i was bored ...
on July 21, 2013