coopermeares's Polls
coopermeares published 22 polls

What is your favorite Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part?

Are You British?

Are You Homeschooled?

Which 6th Gen Console Is The Best? (Please Explain In The Comments)

Fry Or Bender (Please List Your Reason In The Comments)

Which Season Is Your Fave? (Explain In The Comments)

Which Simpsons Town Would You Live In

Who Do You Think Would Have The Best Shot Of Being Ash's Girlfriend? (Please List Your ...

Pikachu Or Eevee?

Which Phone Company Id The Best

Which Of My Stories Do You Like Better?

Do You Like Poutine?

What's Your Favorite Chess Piece?

What's Your Favorite Pizza Place

Best Mega Man Series

If ice climber had a sequel what system would be the best for it?

What Political Party Would You Be If You Lived In Canada

Favorite disney channel show

Cola Wars Coke Or Pepsi