and linds said james make her safe but why she say she would die by the end of the week?

on September 06, 2019
on September 06, 2019

james hit linds but she now she can not keep no one else so she get physical abuse by raper anyway
on September 06, 2019

on September 06, 2019

none of u can deny facts even if she did love him that can not change the legal law of rape sorry
on September 06, 2019

james is a raper bc he raped linds when she just 13
on September 06, 2019

the far they get from nowing who i am then i do not care i will just say i am julianna or west then but they will never now LOL

you’re julianna, and it’s SO OBVIOUS. quit wasting time on people who don’t deserve your bullshit and can catch you at catfishing within a day you’re actually SO BAD at catfishing. stop. give up already jfc:
on September 06, 2019
on September 06, 2019

LOL not my fault u can not except that ur gf did that u have a lot of chances to look but u will not bc u do not want to accept truth

on September 06, 2019
on September 06, 2019

u guys tret brea like a goddes but all she did was spam a person when they proved her wrong LOL

@Meilleur not her to but if u do not now who i am and u getting far and far from nowing then ok
on September 06, 2019
on September 06, 2019

"Beginning May 1, 2008, the age of sexual consent in Canada is 16 years old. The age of consent in Canada is the age at which the criminal law recognizes the legal capacity of a young person to consent to sexual activity."
u guys only like the justice system when its convienint to LOL
he raped her at 13
(before u talk abt spelling english is NOT my first language)
u guys only like the justice system when its convienint to LOL
he raped her at 13
(before u talk abt spelling english is NOT my first language)

what proof u want bc i am not posting a pic if u guys think i am her or him then i want u to keep thinking that and posting pic would ruin it u can not trick me
on September 06, 2019

on September 06, 2019

on September 06, 2019
on September 06, 2019