cgkittymew's Polls
cgkittymew published 26 polls

iggy azalea or nicki minaj

Elsa or Anna

Should I wear my silver tutu or black pencil skirt to the dance??

Which Weasley is your favorite?

Which of these describes me? I just wanna know, not asking for complements.

How much are you obsessed with Harry potter?

Which mask is better?

Which of these Harry potter pictures that I drew FROM HAND is your favorite?

Do you like Siri more as a guy or a girl

Which Harry potter book is your favorite?

Which book in the hunger games trilogy was your favorite?

Which is your favorite book series

What is your favorite thing here at qfeast?

Cedric diggery vs Edward Cullen

Which of these Harry potter art pictures is your favorite?

Parvati patil or Padma patil?

Which Harry potter thing is the best?

Which Harry potter character is your favorite? (1)

Glee or pitch perfect