
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
True Neutral
True Neutral
"Why do bad things always happen to medium people?"

What's your deal, man? Seriously, though - what is your deal? Nobody really knows what you're looking for. You act without prejudice or compulsion. At any moment, you could be planning something nice or nefarious. You could play by the rules or throw them out the window. Sure, you think that good is better than evil... but you're not exactly committed to making the world a better place. Too much hard work.
The thing is, it's not as complicated as everyone makes out. Your ideals are simple: for you and the people you care about to be happy. That's easy enough to understand, right? But no one gets it. Everyone expects you to be dedicated to something greater than yourself, to have some ideal or underlying motive.
Sure, it's great to listen to your gut and live in the moment. But maybe you should look at the big picture ever so often. If you keep getting distracted by what's in front of you, then you might make a mistake, or be misled by someone much more strategic and much more evil. Then again, what's right in front of you is a chocolate bar, and you should probably eat than before anyone else can. You're not hedonistic. You're just enjoying life.
on April 07, 2024
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