Lean, Mean Smol Bean Machine
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Yes. It is.
on July 17, 2016
on July 17, 2016

Oh no! i go get da bandaidz. poor linky!

oh yaya

* examines hat * i thought so... there are orange stains ashley always paints her nails orange but with paint instead of nail polish witch ould liquify due to the rain. maybe she punched link hard in the head knocking him out then dragged him somehere. she was stupid to do it on a rainy day.but good thing she did.
on July 18, 2016

* looks for boot prints * wait there is a line in the mud with footprints alonngside it. the footprints are too small to be link's witch means the line could be marks where someone dragged something and the footprints belong to whoever dragged that thing. * swallows * let... let me see his hat.
on July 18, 2016

stay calm i have watched enough sherlock to figure this out. * looks around * oh crap * points to link's hat lying on the ground *
on July 18, 2016

* looks around *well crap. LINK! where are you? * no answer * huh. i could try to levitate high enough to see him but healing him earlier pretty much drained my power. ill try * levitates six inches in the air then falls bach down * well darn. LINK! WHERE DID YOU GO?
on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

* looks around * ok i have no clue where we are now. wanna head back or get even more lost for the fun of it?
on July 18, 2016

* notices the water on the ground is a reddish color in one spot * thinks: thats where... * shakes head *
on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

* rain begins trickling down* hm * continues walking * i have an umbrella if you need one. i dont mind rain. * puts notebook away*
on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

* pulls out notebook and begins to draw then runs into pole because she wasnt looking * ow * picks up book and continues walking *
on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

waiter: okay here is the chek pay when you are ready. thank you
me: * smiles and nods pays and leaves tip* so what do you guys wanna do now?
me: * smiles and nods pays and leaves tip* so what do you guys wanna do now?
on July 18, 2016

* notices the lemonade is a different color due to the 5 hour energy and tries to hide the cup *
on July 18, 2016

waiter : * gives food *
me: thank u
waiter: your welcome
me: * picks up a breadstick and eats it *
me: thank u
waiter: your welcome
me: * picks up a breadstick and eats it *
on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

Bree: *sitting there, hands in pockets*
Linky: You have hand warmers in there don't you? *shoves hands in her coat pocket*
Linky: You have hand warmers in there don't you? *shoves hands in her coat pocket*
on July 18, 2016

waiter: alright comin up
me: ill pay for it. * pours a 5 hour energy in lemonade when no one is looking *
me: ill pay for it. * pours a 5 hour energy in lemonade when no one is looking *
on July 18, 2016

waiter: okay brb
me:* claps hand over mouth * excuse me but there iis a flipping mewto outside * runs outside like her life depended on it catches mewtwo * yes! * runs back in smiling like a retarded seal* i got him!
waiter: * gives drinks* and to eat?
me: * looks at bree * what do you want?
me:* claps hand over mouth * excuse me but there iis a flipping mewto outside * runs outside like her life depended on it catches mewtwo * yes! * runs back in smiling like a retarded seal* i got him!
waiter: * gives drinks* and to eat?
me: * looks at bree * what do you want?
on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

* holds door for them*
waiter: go ahead and pick a seat well be with you in just a minute.
me: so where do you guys wanna sit?
waiter: go ahead and pick a seat well be with you in just a minute.
me: so where do you guys wanna sit?
on July 18, 2016

Bree: *walking* FlyeesFlyersFlyerssssdsd *has hands in jacket pockets* (Let's just say that it's Autumn *
on July 18, 2016

ok lets go * starts to walk oh crap a pikachu! * madly swipes finger across phone screen in an attempt to catch the pokemon * Yes! finally!
on July 18, 2016

ok aaand were off. * opens up the pokemon go app and goes outside * oh i forgot to ask you where you wanna go.
on July 18, 2016

sure. you should change so people dont wonder hy your clothes are bloody im gonna go finish a drawing i was working on earlier till youre ready.
on July 18, 2016

well gimme a few minutes before the 5 hour energy kicks in and we can go out to eat or something how bout that?
on July 18, 2016

* puts hands on him * ugh no * takes them back off * i just need sleep thats all im not going to make you hurt anymore. you have been through too much * drinks two 5 hour energys*
on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

no i want you to be completely healed. it usually takes a day or to for me to recover but it would take you longer.
on July 18, 2016

Linky: No...Take some of your magic back. I can handle the wounds. This has happened before.
on July 18, 2016

*hugs back* the wounds shouldnt return now you should be fine now * breathes heavily and forces self to stand up * now im telling the truth when i say its ok...
on July 18, 2016

Linky: No, you didn't have to do that. I'll be okay...I was just stating that it hurts...That's all. *hugs*
on July 18, 2016

ok i hate to admit it but youre right.. * almost cries but holds it back * i dont even care if this kills me but, * uses healing power pushing herself harder than should be possible blue light completely flooding the house nearly blinding the other two* ungh! * continues to use her power although painful then the light slowly dies down* link... * takes hands See More off and he is completely healed then almost falls but stands * its ok now... * with all strength drained collapses*
on July 18, 2016

on July 18, 2016

its gonna be ok * hands full glass *if you need to spit the blood out ill get a bowl
on July 17, 2016

on July 17, 2016

*comes back in house * no pokemon for me. * notices empty water glass * need more water link?
on July 17, 2016

on July 17, 2016

mmkay you get sleep im gonna go play pokemon go. * grabs phone and heads out door*
on July 17, 2016

i can help, * places hands over wound and does pretty much what she did last time but not as much so she dosent pass out again*
* lifts hands * better? * almost falls backwards * whoa
* lifts hands * better? * almost falls backwards * whoa
on July 17, 2016

awesome ill go wash it off * goes to rinse it off* yay another addition to my collection!
on July 17, 2016

on July 17, 2016

and ashley dont speak a ord of what you just saw. * hears sirens *
ashley: crap
* police walk in *
officer: tell me about what happened
me: she attempted to kill link but fortunately we found him and took him in. i went and searched the scene of the crime and found this * shows bloody sword * this is her sword See More
police: okay thank you
me: not a problem bye ashley
ashley: grr
ashley: crap
* police walk in *
officer: tell me about what happened
me: she attempted to kill link but fortunately we found him and took him in. i went and searched the scene of the crime and found this * shows bloody sword * this is her sword See More
police: okay thank you
me: not a problem bye ashley
ashley: grr
on July 17, 2016

ok so now lets turn her in
ashley: no!
me: yes!
ashley: * pulls out knike and attempts to slit my troat *
me: * uses magic without thinking to create a force field * See More
ashley: what the.?! how?!
me: um... * turns off force field * oops... * dials 911 as if nothing happened * hello? yes its me again ith another criminal... yes. okay thanks. * hangs up * ok ashley your going to kid prison.
ashley: no!
me: yes!
ashley: * pulls out knike and attempts to slit my troat *
me: * uses magic without thinking to create a force field * See More
ashley: what the.?! how?!
me: um... * turns off force field * oops... * dials 911 as if nothing happened * hello? yes its me again ith another criminal... yes. okay thanks. * hangs up * ok ashley your going to kid prison.
on July 17, 2016

Bree: *nods* Yup. Many fans would fight me for him. But I always win. *kisses his left hand *
Linky : *smiles slightly *
Linky : *smiles slightly *
on July 17, 2016

ashley: magic?
me: um.. i think shes talking about a movie we watched...
me: anyways why did you do this?
ashley: ugh ok fine i was jealous of him he has fans and everything but no one likes me See More
me: and this is why * points to link *
me: um.. i think shes talking about a movie we watched...
me: anyways why did you do this?
ashley: ugh ok fine i was jealous of him he has fans and everything but no one likes me See More
me: and this is why * points to link *
on July 17, 2016

on July 17, 2016

* holds up ashley * she sucks at hiding evidence
ashley: put me down
me: ok but i want answers from you.
ashley: put me down
me: ok but i want answers from you.
on July 17, 2016

* knocks on door *ashley! * door opens * ashley i know hat you did. * shows sword * you are horrible at hiding evidence pushes ashley down and ties her up *
ashley: where are we going?
me: youll see.
* opens door * hey! i found the hole who did it.
ashley: where are we going?
me: youll see.
* opens door * hey! i found the hole who did it.
on July 17, 2016

* is at hyrule fieid* well time to look for evidence. * looks around * omigosh theres blood on the ground and a sword * picks up sword witch has blood on the tip * hey wait my classmate Ashley had one like this... well of to her house. dang i feel like sherlock. * runs to ashleys place *
on July 17, 2016

on July 17, 2016

Linky: Okay. *groans* Ugh. Is there something lodged in my shoulder?
Bree: Oh, Farorezzz
Bree: Oh, Farorezzz
on July 17, 2016

oh ok. * looks at link * ugh i have to figure this out * grabs backpack and heads out *
on July 17, 2016

do you remember what you were doing before it happened? sorry, i like figuring things out
on July 17, 2016

Linky: No. I'm okay. *tries to lie back down* Agh! My stomach!
Bree: Shsh. *helps him down carefully*
Bree: Shsh. *helps him down carefully*
on July 17, 2016

Linky: *moans* I guess if you can be in pain and okay at the same time. And I can't remember who did it.
on July 17, 2016

on July 17, 2016

*checks the wound again* Looks like it's gone for now. *picks you up and drags you to couch*
on July 17, 2016

ok * places hands on the sword wound it begins to glow with a bright blue light groans in pain and passes out the wound is now healed *
on July 17, 2016

swear you wont tell anyone but i have healing power its hard i am kinda new to it
on July 17, 2016

I don't know. He's not bleeding as much anymore. But we need to look for arrow wounds. If the blood starts to pool up in his mouth, just try to get it out so he can breathe.
on July 17, 2016

Yup. Seems to be causing a lot of internal bleeding, too. I've managed to take care of some, though
on July 17, 2016

Yup. We don't really need to worry about the cuts. It's the stab wound in his stomach that concerns me.
on July 17, 2016

on July 17, 2016

on July 17, 2016

* puts bandaids on him * ok all done. e should let him rest. * pets link's hair *
on July 17, 2016

Yup. We can't have him get infected. And maybe we should get him home first. *hops on Epona, still holding Linky * Lets go.
on July 17, 2016
on July 17, 2016

Yeh. And I'll keep him calm while you get them. Please hurry.

on July 17, 2016
on July 17, 2016
on July 17, 2016
Bree. *follows*
To have a car and we are at the suing people place. Lets go in
Me: Hey wake up link were here
Me: * uses magic to momentarily blind ashley causing her to stumble back * i said dont try anything stupid
Ashley: im sorry
Me: its too late ashley. What you did is unforgivable You need to learn your lesson.
Ashley: fine
me: i- i cant i overdid myself earlier and now i cant even levitate. ok link here drink some of this * hands him 5 hour energy *
ashley: yep * smiles
me: * slaps ashley*
ashley: oww
me: c'mon link do you wanna get even with her or not?
ashley: 0_0
me: killing him wont help people will hate you
ashley: kill him.
me: kimi wa baka!watashi kirai kimi wa!! * laughs nervously * sorry i speak japanese when i get mad.
ashley: ...
Link: ....
ashley: no you will not
me: sorry but yes i will * puts her on the floor.
how the frick did you escape?
ashley: the police officer was my dad See More
me: 0_0
Ashley: * pulls out knife *
me: * drops her and grabs the knife then puts it in bag *
ashley: why didnt you just use magic huh?
me: quiet ashley
ashley: grr
me: * pulls rope out of bag and ties her up * link... Shakes link who is unconsious * he dosent wake up* ungh * picks link up * then picks up ashley up with the other arm* lets head back. * struggles under weight of the two* ungh