breann.west.5's Polls - Page 6
breann.west.5 published 263 polls
Do you say "Cute" or "Kawaii"?
Would you rather... (23)
Who is more illuminati?
Does Link Neal look like Velma?

Which Cryaotic is your favorite?
Cryaotic or Pewdiepie?
Who is more annoying? (1)
What's your favorite ship?
Hedgehog or Porcupines
Who would win a fight between my Stuck in a room with Characters?
Agario or Cookie Clicker?
Who has the best hair?
Which girl seems like your type?

Who would you rather be? (1)
Who is the Grammar Hitler?
What is Your Weapon?
Have you ever brofisted the screen when watching Pewdiepie?
Which would be worse?