bionicpiggy15's Questions
bionicpiggy15 asked 14 questions

who's ur fav youtuber?
how do u react when someone insults what u love?

what do you think of Eddy? (from lab rats) Eddy is the Davenport's home security system...

what is your favorite Lab Rats or Lab Rats: Elite Force episode?
how do u change ur back round? (I think something changed, its not where it was for me)

what songs dp u find most inspiring?
what is ur dream/goal in life? what do u want to do when u grow up/ what is ur goal?

what kinds of music do u listen 2? pop... country... rock... other

what did u think about invisible sister? I saw this movie today and wanted to know what...

is anyone on qfeast from, been to, or want to go to Minnesota? I live in Minnesota, and...

how do u decide what songs u listen to/ like? I was listening to a song I liked and won...

what is Descendants about? I haven't seen Descendants, but I think I kinda want to, wha...

what disney XD show should I watch? I'm about to finish the series I'm watching and I w...