bionicpiggy15 added a photo to the starred list
on March 06, 2016
bionicpiggy15 added a photo to the starred list
on March 06, 2016
bionicpiggy15 added a photo to the starred list
on March 06, 2016
bionicpiggy15 added a photo to the starred list
on March 05, 2016
bionicpiggy15 added a photo to the starred list
on March 05, 2016
wow, check this out:
on March 05, 2016
bionicpiggy15 uploaded a photo
on March 05, 2016
sigh, I'm having the kind of day where you think "what's next?" and "can this get any worse?" "why me?" "what else will go wrong?" :((
on March 05, 2016
beware, long:
I wrote this amazing a fanfiction on my email and was going to send it to myself. I had it worded perfectly, then my mom came to my room and told me to let her in, I said in a minute, I needed to save it, but than she just barges in and my finger clicks the discard button! its gone! I had it perfect, I had never written anything this good, it was really long and when I read it to my brother, he said he could really understand what was going on and could feel what See More the charcacters were feeling. and its gone forever I've never written anything that well! all because of my stupid mom! fvck! why does everything always happen when your feeling horable?! I write to make my self feel better then accedently delete it!!!! WHY ME?!
I wrote this amazing a fanfiction on my email and was going to send it to myself. I had it worded perfectly, then my mom came to my room and told me to let her in, I said in a minute, I needed to save it, but than she just barges in and my finger clicks the discard button! its gone! I had it perfect, I had never written anything this good, it was really long and when I read it to my brother, he said he could really understand what was going on and could feel what See More the charcacters were feeling. and its gone forever I've never written anything that well! all because of my stupid mom! fvck! why does everything always happen when your feeling horable?! I write to make my self feel better then accedently delete it!!!! WHY ME?!
on March 05, 2016
on March 05, 2016
bionicpiggy15 subscribed to page
Things you just LOVE
on March 05, 2016
on March 05, 2016
bionicpiggy15 uploaded a photo
on March 05, 2016
on March 05, 2016
bionicpiggy15 added a story to the favorite list
how to survive a zombie appocolypse
on March 04, 2016
on March 04, 2016
lol I just love ur profile background! xD
on March 04, 2016
on March 03, 2016
bionicpiggy15 subscribed to page
Writer's Preview
on March 03, 2016
bionicpiggy15 subscribed to page
Zodiac Signs Posts
on March 03, 2016
bionicpiggy15 added a poll to the starred list
Who's your favorite Gamers' Guide to Pretty Much Everything character?
on March 03, 2016