A-Ashley S-stein
H-Hi... m-my name i-is Ashley S-stein. I-I go to t-the D-DWMA w-with my b-best f-friend, Lily Stein. B-but she's m-more l-like m-my sister. O-Our a-adoptive d-dad i-is a p-profess-sor See More there. H-he a-actually s-saved u-us o-on the streets. H-he teaches t-the c-cresent m-moon class. M-my best friends a-are Maka, T-tsubaki, S-soul, Liz, P-pattie, K-kid and e-even though h-he s-scares m-me somet-times B-blackstar. B-but m-my b-bestest friend i-is C-crona. I-I m-may or m-may n-not have a c-c-crush on him though. O-Oh w-wait I almost f-forgo- HEY I WANT DINNER!!! O-oh s-sorry T-t-thorn! S-sorry b-but I-I h-have t-to g-go... B-bye.