aphmaustorys added a new chapter to the daughter of aphmau
Going insane
Katelyn screamed in pain, but she still tried to defeat you. Katelyn: YOU WILL PAY!. Dante steps in. Dante: ARHH! GET BACK! GET AWAY!. Dante steps closer. You/Dark phoenix: Haha step any closer I will disappear before your eyes. You think to yourself "how did I do that? how did I talk when I really can't?. You disappear without a trace.
You appear in the black room again. That evil part of you walks up to you. Dark phoenix: Its funny how you try to controll yourself but you can't, I thought y... Read Full Chapter
You appear in the black room again. That evil part of you walks up to you. Dark phoenix: Its funny how you try to controll yourself but you can't, I thought y... Read Full Chapter
on January 13, 2018

aphmaustorys added a new chapter to the daughter of aphmau
you are completely blacked out. you open your eyes but only to find a black room. you/phoenix: Where the hell am I?. suddenly you see a girl with the same hair body and eyes but.....her hair is not what yours looks like. Its completely dark. Her eyes are filled with blackness. She walks over to you, you try to escape but you can't move.
She gets closer and closer untill BANG, you wake up but you are unable to controll yourself. You look down and see dead guards all around. could this have be... Read Full Chapter
She gets closer and closer untill BANG, you wake up but you are unable to controll yourself. You look down and see dead guards all around. could this have be... Read Full Chapter
on January 12, 2018

on January 12, 2018

sorry I have not been on here I had a vacation the daughter off aphmau will have a new chapter today!
on March 15, 2017

on February 11, 2017

I just want to tell everyone that "the daughter off aphmau" is up to the final chapters I will be creating it soon then I will make a nother one but it will take a while and I haven't been on here in a while sorry there has been no chapters
on February 10, 2017

aphmaustorys added a new chapter to the daughter of aphmau
the evil you
aphmau: wow I never knew that I set my OWN daughter away like that..... you/phoenix: its fine that was like 100 years age don't worry about the past. aphmau has a worried look on her face because she thinks that you are angry with her. ella/grandma: but before you go I need to tell you something else about you phoenix. You/phoenix: what?????. ella/grandma: well when you where born a nother evil was here but that evil was inside you phoenix but it
never tried to make you evil because lady ire... Read Full Chapter
never tried to make you evil because lady ire... Read Full Chapter
on December 12, 2016

aphmaustorys added a new chapter to the daughter of aphmau
getting the word out
you finally catch up to Zoey. You: man your fast!. Zoey: I know!!! but anyways we got to find aphmau! right away!!!. you remember something you told aphmau you remember that you told her that your mum ran away from you so that means aphmau ran away from you. Zoey: APHMAU COME OVER HERE
RIGHT NOW!!!. aphmau is walking with two guys one with dark blue hair other with blonde. aphmau: yes? what is it?. Zoey: we have to go to your house right now we need to tell you something!!! IMPORTANT!!. You:... Read Full Chapter
RIGHT NOW!!!. aphmau is walking with two guys one with dark blue hair other with blonde. aphmau: yes? what is it?. Zoey: we have to go to your house right now we need to tell you something!!! IMPORTANT!!. You:... Read Full Chapter
on December 11, 2016