anonymous-user-cBv4pi's Polls
anonymous-user-cBv4pi published 39 polls

How many Qfeast accounts have you made?

Do you support the Pilsbury Dough Boy?

Did you ever watch My Little Pony?

Do you have stuffed animals currently?

If you are Autistic, do you prefer using the term Special interest or Hyperfixation?

How often do you go to the dentist?

Have you ever been to the circus?

Are you in love with me?

How often do you get your hair cut?

How often do you brush your teeth?

Would you like to donate Clout Points to me?

Which of these descriptors best suits your gender?

What is your favourite word for breasts?

Do you think?

Do you like Rock Lee?

what should his last name be?

Which of the Alolan middle evolutions is your favourite?
Bingus or Mingus?

Do you believe in birds?