amandamiller08's Polls
amandamiller08 published 24 polls
Who is the best Beatle?
Who is better Kanye West or Paul McCartney?

What is the best Vampire book?

Who would win in a Fight? Tris or katniss

Who was the best Barnabas Collins?

Have you been to Cedar Point?

Beatles vs Taylor Swift

Have you read a book from cirque du freak (aka the saga of Daren Shan) series?

have you read the book Wicked?

Who is the best Late Night host?

Which Band is better Beatles or Monkees?

Do you like the Beatles? (1)

Which is cutter Dogs or Frogs?

Who is your favorite comedian?
What is your Favorite quote?

Have you seen Mork and Mindy?

What is your favorite Robin Williams Movie/show?

Have you seen Hogan's Heroes?

What is better After Ever After or After Ever After 2?