When your right and someone argues back and everyone looks at them like their stupid
on December 02, 2017

I hate english why do we need to study Shakespeare
on November 30, 2017

Magic:card magic
Dragon Slayer (Y/N):n
Likes: ice cream,eating quiet
Dislikes: loud noises the cold See More
Personality: withdrawn
Background: a orphan from the capital inspired to practice magic after the magic games
Looks:5;6 long dark red hair, hazel eyes medium breasts thin figure due to years of lack of food
Crush (If any): doesn't mind has no sexual preferences
Any Extra Information: no
Magic:card magic
Dragon Slayer (Y/N):n
Likes: ice cream,eating quiet
Dislikes: loud noises the cold See More
Personality: withdrawn
Background: a orphan from the capital inspired to practice magic after the magic games
Looks:5;6 long dark red hair, hazel eyes medium breasts thin figure due to years of lack of food
Crush (If any): doesn't mind has no sexual preferences
Any Extra Information: no
on November 29, 2017