on February 14, 2018

on February 02, 2018

aj_pheonix asked a question
Am I wrong? I air this person because they were rude and also didn't even apologies. No...
on February 02, 2018

aj_pheonix asked a question
Does my crush like me? (1) Basically... He went to school on the day he sat next to me ...
on February 02, 2018

on February 02, 2018

Get at recent polls and I will be creating more based on fandoms and stuff
*insert credit card details*
*insert credit card details*
on February 01, 2018

Bare truss, don't pree my pictures because I know they are ugly.
Basically, just don't get rude
Basically, just don't get rude
on February 01, 2018