really...? your following me now?>:)

that doesn't mean i want him to follow me i thought we had this worked out..:(
on October 01, 2013

He does what he does
on September 22, 2013

This is Zayn's account
on September 22, 2013
on September 13, 2013

on May 13, 2013

ally dosent like me any more why should i talk 2 her?
on January 07, 2013

hi emi

ik and i can go but the people who are taking us said they are not going they have to go somewhere else on the day we are going so maybe soon and Iva Groves u know her she went to one of your concerts and meet u guys backstage so... see u guys soon
on January 11, 2013

ok i might be going to one of yall concerts soon an i get to go but the people u are taking us they are not sure yet and its with backstage passes! so excited :)
on January 10, 2013
on January 07, 2013

Yes i am Zayn Malik

>.< That sucks. Sometimes I wake up to a 5 year old going through a drawer in my room with all of my medals..
on January 02, 2013
on January 02, 2013