on November 18, 2016

And the poll results say...
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Yui_the_little_tricky_fox !
Tomorrow I can change my username and this will be it! I'll be a foxy!
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Yui_the_little_tricky_fox !
Tomorrow I can change my username and this will be it! I'll be a foxy!

O_O I asked only for your hair and fur...but ok!
on November 18, 2016

Red! And the point of my ears black, and the fluffy fur inside them white, then my eyes will be red, but a very dark red, and my shirt pink with golden borders!
on November 18, 2016

What color do you want your hair and fur?
on November 18, 2016

Thanks daddy!
on November 18, 2016

I'll modify your new profile pic then ;)
on November 18, 2016
on November 18, 2016

on November 16, 2016

Hmmmmm....what should I be, a wolf or a fox? They're both cuuuute.
on November 13, 2016

Uffi. *pouts* Mommy when do you come back.

I had to ask her something important. Anyway sis, want to continue our rp in pm?
on November 13, 2016
on November 13, 2016

It's so scary outside...it's only 18:00 but it's already all black....
on November 12, 2016

*currently fangirling over my Qfeast parents*
on October 27, 2016

Helldiver_Artemis (Helldiver_Demon x Lady_Artemis)
on October 26, 2016

Night everyone!
on October 24, 2016

...I miss big sis...:(
on October 23, 2016